PanoramaMaker 2.0 is an easy-to-use software program that can create a panorama out of a group of overlapping pictures. The panoramas made by this program are of high quality. The user can create panoramic pictures with horizontal, vertical or 360° views and the program also compensates for geometry and minimizes errors due to moving objects in the picture.
The new algorithms used by this program allow for multiple stitching of rows from pictures that were taken at different focal lengths or generate tiled panoramas. The PanoramaMaker also orders and stitches images automatically.
The program is easy-to-use and the software does most of the work. The interface is easily understood and the workflow is done step by step so it is easy to follow and perform the actions desired. The user can then create high quality panoramas with just a few commands or the panorama can be created manually if the program cannot stitch your pictures together.
Once the panorama is done, the program supports a number of different printing options. The user can choose from multi-sheet prints, banner paper, print pictures without borders or overlapped prints.